This One Thing Makes You a Nicer Person

This One Thing Makes You a Nicer Person

As of 2015, Americans saw a drastic increase in major depressive disorder. Prescribed with talk therapy and antidepressant medications, clinically depressed patients were only seeing sporadic improvements. Benjamin Shapero and Gaëlle Desbordes decided to study...
When science meets mindfulness

When science meets mindfulness

In a study that explored the social effects of meditation, researchers discovered that meditation teaches people to better regulate their emotions. When people regulate their emotions well, they are more likely to empathize with and respond to a person in need. Find...
The Benefits Of Meditation In Business

The Benefits Of Meditation In Business

Many individuals begin meditating as a way of coping with stress in their personal lives; however, several don’t know that meditation can positively affect their professional lives. As it turns out, there are many business owners, such as Founder of Bridgewater...
Why Presence Is the Ultimate Sixth Sense

Why Presence Is the Ultimate Sixth Sense

Attentiveness is not limited to just one sense. You can probably remember a time, maybe all the way back in elementary school days, when you were told to “pay attention,” so you consciously perked up your ears or fixed your gaze on whatever it was you needed to focus...