
Stress Relief Made Simple: Discover How Easy Meditation Can Be
If you were to ask someone to list the benefits of meditation, they would most likely list off reasons such as lowering heart rate, relaxing, and increasing self-awareness. But did you know meditation is also credited with increasing imagination, creativity, and...

Meditation Secrets of Billionaires: A Guide to Following in the Footsteps of Giants
What’s something you can start today to be more like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and legendary billionaire investor Ray Dalio? Let’s meditate on that answer. These “super-achievers” attribute their professional success to meditation. And now, many leading companies, such...

Building Habits That Won’t Break: How to Stick With Your Meditation Routine
Meditation instructions may be as simple as “Breathe in, breathe out,” but if you’re finding even that difficult, you’re not alone. Research has shown that even the most experienced meditators have trouble emptying their minds, while those new to the practice struggle...

How meditation could change the brain
We all know on some level that meditation is good for us. But what’s the science behind this millennia-old practice? How does it work on the brain to bring us more calm and better health? Experts give us a peek behind the curtain. “It helps you with memory and...

Moving Through Grief with Meditation
When we experience a traumatic event, it’s normal to want to push away feelings of grief and loss that linger long after the experience has ended. But bottling up those feelings only makes them stronger and more likely to overcome us down the road. According to an...

Benefits So Good, Even Celebs Take the Time For It
What do Oprah, Ray Dalio, and Lady Gaga have in common? The answer might surprise you! According to a CNBC article, these widely successful celebrities have all discovered the transformative power of Meditation to gain a deeper level of relaxation, focus, and...

Runner’s World Explains Why Runners Should Practice Meditation
Experienced runners often describe the euphoric feeling of being “in the zone” or “on a runner’s high.” These are the moments when running is empowering, and because these runners achieve such synergy between their mind and body, they can go farther for longer periods...

Stanford University Study Sheds Stunning New Light on the Relationship Between Breath, Meditation, and State of Mind
The relationship between human breathing and our minds and bodies is a long-standing scientific mystery. But it’s not as if we know nothing. We know that breathing, much like the heartbeat, is a mostly subconscious rhythmic process. It differs from the heartbeat,...

Mindfulness, Meditation Helping Elite Athletes On and Off the Field
Professional sports bring a significant amount of pressure both on and off the field. Australian football player Brett Kirk credits his ability to remain a fearless competitor to his daily meditation practice. Kirk began meditating in his late 20s when his friend...

Could Meditation help NFL players from developing CTE?
Former NFL player, Robert Rannigan, realized the destructive nature of collision sports when he delivered a concussive blow to another player during the preseason rookie training camp. The incident drove Rannigan to transition out of professional football and find a...

Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation not only reduces stress, here’s how it changes your brain
Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in brain scans. What she found surprised her — that...
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